Red76, Revolutionary Table


“Because of the war in Iraq  I . . . “

Red76 with Alimentary Tropism, Revolutionary Table

In collaboration with the Chicago, Illinois based collaborative Alimentary Tropism, on September 3, 2008, Red76 will offer up some delicious barbecue and pose a seemingly simple statement for the meals guests to complete,

“Because of the war in Iraq I . . . “

Though coverage of the war in Iraq has gotten somewhat better since its start in the spring of 2003, the American public is still provided with highly sensitized versions of the events in the field. As well, the mainstream media, often used as a tool to gauge the overall tone of the American populous, has been all but silent regarding the feelings – pro or con, simple or complex – of the American public when it comes to their personal thoughts on the conflict.

This iteration of the Revolutionary Table series will ask guests at the table to begin with the statement, “Because of the war in Iraq I . . . ” and see where it leads from there. Those unable to attend the meal will be able to contribute via a toll-free number. Portions of the conversation from the day’s meal, as well as messages left at the hotline number will be included within issue #6 of Red76’s publication The Journal of Radical Shimming to be disseminated widely around the country prior to November 4th, both in print, and online.

To view a video excerpt of the Revolutionary Table performance at Peavey Plaza, click here.

About Revolutionary Table

Red76’s initiative, Revolutionary Table, has facilitated topic driven meals across the country since late 2006, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Portland, Oregon, San Jose California, to Brooklyn, New York. The series aims at harnessing the existing power and convivial nature of dinner table conversations to discuss topics of import to the area in which the meal is held.

Each meal is simultaneously recorded and broadcast via small range radio transmitter throughout the area in which the meal is being held, while guests to the project invite the neighborhood to join them by hand-drawing fliers prior to the day’s meal.

Alimentary Tropism

(Courtney Moran and Mike Wolf)

It is clear that our culture’s approach to food is in peril, on all levels, from the earth that our food grows in to the effects it has on our bodies, there is a general state of malnourishment.

Alimentary Tropism is a project that responds to this state of affairs. We believe that nourishment is both chemical and alchemical. We want to provide nourishment of known origins in ways that are not bound by the strictures of industrial agriculture, or of the food and hospitality industries.

Presented by Northern


The UnConvention
Journal of Radical Shimming