Drawing border lines between lands is an obstacle in the flow of life and culture.
Located in the West Bank for Northern Spark 2017, Violet Diaspora was a participatory installation intended to dissolve the borders between countries and cultures. It required participation to stay alive. The public watered a living green map to make the borders physically disappear.
Cultural exchange has happened for thousands of years from migrations of people from one part of the world to another. Drawing border lines between lands is an obstacle in the flow of life and culture. Violet Diaspora makes participants aware of how much migrations of people and culture need their care to stay alive.
Nooshin Hakim is an Iranian artist practicing in sculpture and performance. She shows the reflection of social environment on generating borders and gaps in her works. Her recent shows in 2017-16 were in Washburn Loft with Chris Larson, Museum fur NeueKunst, Germany with Pedram Baldari, Museum night Germany, Global Forest, eineKunstausstellung, Schwarzland.