For a full list of artists and partners, visit the Northern Spark 2012 website.
Northern Spark 2012 took place from sunset June 9, 2012 till dawn June 10, 2012. 40,000 people attended. 119 artist projects were presented in collaboration with 52 arts organizations at 26 venues.
Northern Spark: All Art. All People. All Night.
NS2012 Photos
NS2012 Videos
Northern Spark 2012 website
Download the Northern Spark 2012 post-festival report
Aniccha Arts, In Habit: Living Patterns
Robin Schwartzman, SubPar
Wil Natzel, Night Blooms
Bridget Beck and Carissa Samaniego, GLOWaBOUT
Vanessa Voskull, SHIFT
Michael Murnane, Under Ice
Molly Balcom Raleigh, FEED/FEED
Miriam Simun and Dan Scofield, 21%
Lauren McCarthy and David Wicks, Bumps in the Night
Tamsie Ringler, Car Dreams
Mona El Khafif and Marcella del Signore, iLounge
Leslie Kelman, Night Walk
Jackie Beckey, Psychedelic Art Parade
PUNY Entertainment, Sleepers Awake
David Goldes and Jonathan Bruce Williams, THE Northern Spark