Art(ists) On the Verge 11


Download a PDF copy of the AOV11 booklet!

Northern announces the recipients of the 11th round of Art(ists) on the Verge commissions (AOV11).  AOV11 is an intensive, mentor-based fellowship program for 4 Minnesota-based, emerging artists or artist groups working experimentally at the intersection of art, technology, and digital culture with a focus on network-based practices that are interactive and/or participatory. 

New this year, the AOV11 cohort will present final projects as works in public space rather than a group gallery exhibition.  Congratulations to Candice Davis, A.P. Looze, Kelley Meister, and Sarah Nassif

Candice Davis (she/her) is a conceptual artist working primarily in digital media, installation, and performance, with a focus on engaging audiences with social issues.  For AOV11, Davis engages an interest in genealogy through continued work on an online search tool that would allow Black Americans to search through Slave Schedules–lists that prior to 1870 serve as the primary means for documenting Black people, namelessly and as property. Davis‘ fellowship period has also included a host of adjacent artistic projects, all of which explore non-empirical visual representations of historical and genealogical research.

A.P. Looze (they/them) is a multi-disciplinary artist who surrenders to the unknown and believes in the healing power of the divine. For AOV11, Looze will expand upon a practice derived through the pandemic by creating a month-long immersive ceremony that will illuminate ancestral, descendant, and earth wisdom channeled through the medium of a flower: the rose. Stay tuned for information on how to sign up for a private session in the installation during the month of September. Get to know A.P. Looze, check out this Q&A they did here.

Kelley Meister (ze/hir) is an interdisciplinary artist who uses drawings, sculpture, and time-based art to build transformative experiences and environments that encourage empathy through a shared emotional experience or exploration. For AOV11, Meister joins visual observation and data collection with a 100-mile bicycle ride between nuclear power plants in Minnesota throughout July, August, and September 2021. Stay tuned to for updates, to learn more, and hop on the ride! Get to know Kelley Meister, check out this Q&A ze did here.

Sarah Nassif (she/her) is a multi-disciplinary public artist focused on connecting people, nature and place. Leaf Trace / Land Trace kicks off on July 18 and invites the public to notice and converse about natural and human systems we inhabit but that may go unnoticed. Using local trees as a portal, participants connect personal experiences to historic systems like the original Public Land Survey. Follow @leaftracelandtrace on Instagram for updates. 

Congratulations from the jury:

George Hoagland, visiting faculty at MCAD in Liberal Arts and works on news ways of teaching race and technology

Jess Hirsch, artist, former AOV fellow and proprietor of Women’s Woodshop 

Rosy Simas, dancer artist, administrator and director of Rosy Simas Danse.  

Ellie Kevorkian, artist and curator with extensive experience organizing artist residencies. 

Co-Directors of AOV11:  Mike Hoyt, Multimedia Artist (non-voting member), Sarah Peters, Co-Director, Northern; Piotr Szyhalski, Professor, Media Arts, Minneapolis College of Art and Design.  


AOV11 will culminate with a temporary project in public space by each fellow, which will take place sometime during September – November 2020. The 4 Fellows’ projects will not necessarily take place at the same time. Each will take place at a site to be determined,  coordinated, and prepared by the Fellow with support from the Program Co-Directors. As part of this re-focusing of the program, there will not be a culminating AOV11 group gallery exhibition.

AOV11 Schedule  — events will be added as they are confirmed. 

Sunday, July 18, 11 am – 4 pm
Leaf Trace / Land Trace by Sarah Nassif
Silverwood Park
Facebook Event Page:

Follow @leaftracelandtrace on Instagram and visit Silverwood Park to experience the project in person this summer.
Learn more about the artist at and the Art(ists) on the Verge program at

Saturday, July 24, 6-9 pm
I Was Born With a Silver Spoon in Your Mouth by Candice Davis
Exhibition opening at SOOVAC
Exhibition runs through Sept 5th
While not formally part of the AOV11 program, this exhibition shares many of the ideas Davis has been exploring through her fellowship year.

Sunday, September 26, 5-7:30pm
Heart Strings: A Beading Ritual by A.P. Looze

Location: 3505 11th Avenue south
Minneapolis, MN

“As I was beading one day, a voice came through that said, “it’s all about touch.” I’ve literally touched every part of this project. I’ve harvested the rosehips from bushes in my neighborhood, I’ve strung every single rosehip, I harvested the rose flowers to make flower essence. There’s something about being in literal contact with the earth that is so essential for healing my relationship to this place and to my white lineage” – A.P. Looze. Don’t miss your chance to experience this one of a kind project.

Windsocks will be installed in the Momentary Uncertainties outdoor exhibition at Eagan Art House in Patrick Eagan Park (in Eagan, MN) from September 11 – October 28, 2021. Open to anyone to stop by and wander through the outdoor exhibition.
Title: HOTZONE: Where does ___ come from? / Where does ___ go?
Materials: nylon, polyester, fiberglass, thermoplastic adhesive, textile paint, metal

 A small meetup with Kelley Meister (ze/hir):

WHAT: HOTZONE: Observe & Draw Together: a small, informal gathering to look closely at the plants and sessile (limited movement and/or immobile) creatures (e.g., bugs, insects, macroinvertebrates, etc.) in and near the river

WHEN: 9/25 (Rain date 9/26) 2-4pm

WHERE: Oak Savanna at East 36th St and W River Parkway in Minneapolis

BRING: something to sit upon if you want (sheet, portable chair, etc); drawing materials*; water/snacks for yourself

*small notebooks and pencils will be provided if you want/need one

COVID PRECAUTIONS: outdoor social distancing should be easy to manage, masks are encouraged especially when talking to others

LOOK FOR: windsocks

AOV is supported by the Jerome Foundation. Links to past AOV programs and fellows’ work can be found here.