Northern Spark Festival Intern

Northern seeks a Festival Intern for Northern Spark, an all­ night arts festival that lights up Minneapolis on the second Saturday of June. Now in it’s 6th year, Northern Spark will take place on Saturday, June 11, 2016.

For more information, visit

Job Description: Festival Intern

The Festival Intern works closely with Northern Spark staff on important functions of the festival including audience engagement and outreach, partnerships, research and content uploading, volunteer recruitment, and night-of involvement. This is an opportunity to learn the structure and organizing strategies of a beloved Twin Cities public art event.

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Stefanie Motta, She Lives Free

“Throughout the night these collaborative pieces will be exposed, ending at dawn with a trace of an entire night’s reflections.”

She Lives Free

Throughout the night you are invited to interact with women who will tell the real stories of sex trafficking, and the devastating impact it has on countless lives everyday.  The Silenced!, written by Sha Cage, will be performed by Mama Mosaic throughout the night and will tell these stories.

Respond and reflect by adding your thoughts to fabric coated with a UV sensitive photographic emulsion. Throughout the night these collaborative pieces will be exposed, ending at dawn with a trace of an entire night’s reflections. Together, we will create a tapestry of thoughts and wishes and we will shine light onto a dark reality, raising our voices and raising awareness.

She Lives Free is an interactive collaboration between My Sister, an organization that raises awareness for, and supports the fight against sex trafficking locally and around the world.

Stefanie Motta, a Minneapolis based photographer and artist who works primarily with alternative process and camera-less photographic techniques.

MaMa mOsAic is a women of color performance collective co-founded by Shá Cage. With a 14-year history, MaMa Mosaic has produced 8 MainStage theater shows, 5 summer conservatories for women and girls, and countless community-based workshops and dialogues. The company is a collective that is committed to nurturing women of color through theater and excavating untold stories.


MaMa mOsAic

Stefanie Motta

Northern Spark 2015

Stefanie Motta, She Lives Free

Announcing Northern Spark 2016 and 2017: A Year of Climate Change

Northern Spark Bike Tour 2015

Northern Spark 2015 Guided Bike Tour. Photo: Shawn Orton

As a response to the intense global conversations on climate change now taking place in Paris at the COP21 talks, and around the world, we ask an important question: what is the role of art and culture in what some have called Year One of the climate revolution?

To explore this question, Northern announces a full year of artists addressing global climate change: Northern Spark 2016, June 11, through Northern Spark 2017, June 10. These two incredible nights of art focused on Earth’s changing environment will be connected by a year of interactive projects, events and workshops exploring climate challenges and solutions in sites across the Twin Cities.

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Skill Share: A Northern Symposium

Alison Hiltner, Survival Tactics. Photo: Rik Sferra Alison Hiltner, Survival Tactics. Photo credit: Rik Sferra

More info about Skill Share can be found here.

March 27-28 join us for a conversation on art, surveillance and narrative plus an afternoon knowledge-share of strategies and tips every artist working with media in the public sphere needs to know.

Skill Share: A Northern Symposium
March 27-28, 2015 at the Soap Factory
Free, registration required:

Mark your calendars for a weekend of engagement with contemporary digital art(s) in conjunction with Art(ists) on the Verge 6. Part skills fair, part lecture and part happy hour, this gathering aims to build knowledge, peer learning and networks in our arts community.

Skill Share kicks off on Friday, March 27 with an evening talk by James Coupe, on art, surveillance and computational narrative. Coupe is an artist and associate professor at the University of Washington’s renowned DX Arts program.  Co-presented with What’s Up Pop Up by Sarah Lutman and Associates.

The afternoon of Saturday, March 28 features a dynamic, rotating knowledge share.  Do you have a question about wireless electricity or guerilla projection? Local and national artists lead discussions on a variety of topics designed to assist artists working in public art, digital and networked technologies and interactivity.

Join us to learn and share your two cents about:

Portable Power and Stealing Public Electricity
Demystifying Commercial Property Owners
Permits: Making it Legal (Or Not)
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Projection in Public Space
Multiplayer Distributed Mobile Games
among other topics!

Skill Share is free to attend, but registration is required:

Sponsorship is generously provided by The Jerome Foundation.



Introducing fwd:// – Ding an Sich

When Piotr Szyhalski’s  Ding an sich came out almost 20 years ago, the New York Times said: “Szyhalski’s user-controlled creation is deeply involving and richly allusive. It is his most fully realized work to date and one of the most accomplished pieces of art on the Web.” Since then, like the street cars that ran along the streets of Minneapolis or Saint Paul’s Union Depot, early net art projects like Ding an sich have been in a state of digital decline, no longer fully accessible because of changes in the Internet’s infrastructure and protocols.” Continue reading…

MSAB Awards

Congratulations to current and former Northern Lights artists and staff who received Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative support:

Alyssa E. Baguss
Olive Bieringa
Eric W. Carroll
Aaron J. Dysart
Alison Hiltner
Sam D. Hoolihan
Colin Kloecker
Chris Koza
Shanai H. Matteson
Benjamin J. Moren
Monica Sheets
Peter H. Thompson

We can’t wait to see your work in 2015!

Luftwerk: INsite

Luftwerk, INsite test Luftwerk, INsite test, 2012.
Photo: Kate Joyce

From October 17-20, 2014 the critically-acclaimed artist duo of Petra Bachmaier and Sean Gallero, known as Luftwerk, will bring INsite, a temporary public art exhibition, to Farnsworth House, a site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Continue reading…